5 Smart Snacking Tips

Hey  Boot campers, we’re halfway through our Fit for the Holidays Challenge already! I know many of you are doing your best and making great choices at meals and snacks times. Sometimes though, we need a little variety.  Are you getting bored with that apple and string cheese you eat as one of your snacks ever day? Snacks don’t have to be boring. It’s time to mix it up! Snack smart and you will feel much more satisfied until your next meal.

Here are 5 Smart Snacking Tips to Help You Slim Down…

1) Stop Constant Cravings: Are you craving something sweet or salty? It’s okay to have a little bit, but don’t over indulge. A great way to control your portions is by eating a 100-calorie pack. You will get a little of that salty or sweet treat you are craving without going crazy. Eat the 100-calorie pack with a piece of fruit or a lean protein (rolled up deli-style turkey) to round out your snack and fill you up. Make your own 100 calorie ready packs with your favorite nuts, seeds or a little bit of dried fruit (watch the sugar content).

2) Avoid Liquid Calories: I am aware that people in the Max Body community like to indulge in the adult beverages every once in a while. But on a daily basis, you should think about the calories you are drinking. If you drink regular soda, juice, Gatorade, or most of the vitamin infused waters, you are drinking a lot of calories. Switch these out for plain old water or even there diet alternatives.

3) Prepare For Snack Attacks: If you are following the Max Body Fitness Eating for Fat Loss Nutrition Plan then you know you should eat 5 – 6 smaller meals a day. Most of us have gotten pretty good with this, but sometimes, life just gets in the way. So be prepared. Make sure you always have a zone bar, mixed nuts, or some other healthy snack with you so you can avoid grabbing whatever is available.

4) Think Baked, Not Fried: Having chicken with your snack? Eat baked or grilled chicken. Want to indulge and have some chips? Eat baked chips (But only once in a while). You get the point…stay away from ALL fried foods.
5) Nutritious Nibbles: Mix up your snacks by eating fresh veggies and hummus, trying new foods, eating greek yogurt, hardboiled egg or an apple with peanut butter.

If you have any questions nutrition questions be sure to shoot me an email at mark@hbpersonaltrainer.com and I’ll be sure get back to you as soon as I can.

To Your Fitness Success,

Your Coach, Mark

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